Avada comes packaged with several shortcode designs to display your recent blog posts. And each style has several meta options that allow you to customize the shortcode; choose number of columns 1-4, number of posts, set a category, show or hide thumbnails, meta, excerpt, excerpt length and more!

Recent News Default Style

Recent News Thumbnails On Side Style

Recent News Date On Side Style

1705, 2024

An Ode to the OG Gangsters

May 17th, 2024|0 Comments

This week we heard that the Sprue Cutters Union podcast would be indefinitely halted after a number of years, a bunch of episodes, and some truly remarkable [...]

2204, 2024

Final Cylon Raider Shots

April 22nd, 2024|0 Comments

Since the base is effectively done, I wanted to share a few photos I've taken. (Figures not yet included)

Use Them In 1-4 Columns

Guest Interview: Plastic Model Mojo Podcast

June 4th, 2024|2 Comments

I'm excited to share that I was the guest interview on the Plastic Model Mojo podcast, Episode 116! I had a wonderful time with Mike and Dave talking about scope creep and my Cylon Raider [...]

Many Meta Options Like Excerpt Length, Category, Posts, Columns

PSA: Traveling with models and asking for a hand check

July 1st, 2024|1 Comment

I'm going to put this right up front in this post: If you're flying with fragile items (like a scale model) and have to pass through a TSA checkpoint ASK FOR A HAND CHECK. Do not, I repeat, do not try to put it through the metal detector. I learned this lesson the (very) hard way on my way to the [...]

Guest Interview: Plastic Model Mojo Podcast

June 4th, 2024|2 Comments

I'm excited to share that I was the guest interview on the Plastic Model Mojo podcast, Episode 116! I had a wonderful time with Mike and Dave talking about scope creep and my Cylon Raider diorama build. Check it out!

An Ode to the OG Gangsters

May 17th, 2024|0 Comments

This week we heard that the Sprue Cutters Union podcast would be indefinitely halted after a number of years, a bunch of episodes, and some truly remarkable insights, ideas, and interviews. I posted a few "I'm sad" comments of support on the various social channels, but I had a deeper sense of loss (and joy) that I wanted to express in [...]

107, 2024

PSA: Traveling with models and asking for a hand check

July 1st, 2024|1 Comment

I'm going to put this right up front in this post: If you're flying with fragile items (like a scale model) and have to pass through a TSA checkpoint ASK FOR A HAND CHECK. Do not, I repeat, do not try to put it through the metal detector. I learned this lesson the (very) hard way on my way to the [...]

406, 2024

Guest Interview: Plastic Model Mojo Podcast

June 4th, 2024|2 Comments

I'm excited to share that I was the guest interview on the Plastic Model Mojo podcast, Episode 116! I had a wonderful time with Mike and Dave talking about scope creep and my Cylon Raider diorama build. Check it out!

1705, 2024

An Ode to the OG Gangsters

May 17th, 2024|0 Comments

This week we heard that the Sprue Cutters Union podcast would be indefinitely halted after a number of years, a bunch of episodes, and some truly remarkable insights, ideas, and interviews. I posted a few "I'm sad" comments of support on the various social channels, but I had a deeper sense of loss (and joy) that I wanted to express in [...]

Features and Customizations

  • Three awesome designs to choose from
  • Works with all column sizes and unlimited use and posts
  • Set columns, posts, category, thumbnails, title, meta, excerpt & length
  • Perfect for using on any page you need to highlight your blog posts