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406, 2024

Guest Interview: Plastic Model Mojo Podcast

June 4th, 2024|2 Comments

I'm excited to share that I was the guest interview on the Plastic Model Mojo podcast, Episode 116! I had a wonderful time with Mike and Dave talking about scope creep and my Cylon Raider [...]

1705, 2024

An Ode to the OG Gangsters

May 17th, 2024|0 Comments

This week we heard that the Sprue Cutters Union podcast would be indefinitely halted after a number of years, a bunch of episodes, and some truly remarkable insights, ideas, and interviews. I posted a few [...]

2204, 2024

Final Cylon Raider Shots

April 22nd, 2024|0 Comments

Since the base is effectively done, I wanted to share a few photos I've taken. (Figures not yet included)

2902, 2024

Making springs

February 29th, 2024|0 Comments

As part of the Cylon Raider Diorama, I needed springs.... those kind that the Mak. guys add to their armored suits to look like power cables. I'm running electrical wires across the deck and wanted [...]

2201, 2024

Challenge coins and alternate recognition

January 22nd, 2024|0 Comments

At the IPMS Nationals 2023, I was lucky enough to receive an incredible award. It wasn't an official medal from the IPMS judges. Nope. I got a couple of those and they were cool, but [...]

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