Replicating metal tracks on plastic
While scratchbuilding may make you feel like a god, making plastic look like real metal is a sign of reaching all-powerful status. Dramatic? Yes. Well deserved? Yes. Or at least I think so... I'm working on the Takom Mk. 1 Male and am about to start painting the hull. But with the house up for sale and me spending a lot of time at the fiance's house, smaller bite size projects tend to take precedent. Such was the case this weekend when I started working on painting and weathering the tracks. (Very nice click tracks, by the way) Step 1: Primer I sprayed my standard Touch n' Tone on the tracks and left them to dry and cure for a few days. Step 2: Airbrush base color Using my airbrush, I sprayed a haphazard pattern across the entire run of tracks (repeating all the rest of the steps for right and left [...]