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2023 Recap: A productive year!
It’s been a loooong time since I’ve done any sort of blog/social media “year in recap” of my modeling work. Like a really long time. Mainly because my productivity and completed output has been, let’s [...]
Volunteers, change, and my give-a-fucks
Unless you've been living on a moonbase (the kind without internet access) the last few months, you know that the IPMS USA continues to step on it's own feet in a Looney Toon sorta way. [...]
I can’t learn anything from Sam Dwyer
I can't learn anything from Sam Dwyer. OK, that's not at all true, but bear with me while I make a point. Sam Dwyer is a well known, immensely talented scale modeler who is so [...]
Name tags, downtime, and joy factories
Let's be honest... how many of you have gone to a scale modeling convention and found yourself wandering the halls killing time after you've registered your models, put them on the tables, and finished shopping [...]
Innovation, competence, and patents
Recently, Mike Rinaldi posted a video (see below) talking about his experience at Scale Model Challenge and what he thinks about the state of armor modeling. He touched on a number of issues, but the [...]
Sprue Cutters Union Podcast Interview
I had the honor and pleasure of being invited on my favorite podcast, The Sprue Cutters Union. Great conversation and I throughly enjoyed myself. Warning: the second half was about mental health. (I also talked [...]
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